Kickstart for CentOS6.3_64(LVM)_落英缤纷

Kickstart for CentOS6.3_64(LVM)_落英缤纷

# Kickstart file automatically generated by anaconda.

#ltform=x86, AMD64, or Intel EM64T


# Firewall configuration

firewall –service=ssh

# Install OS instead of upgrade


# Use network installation

url –url=”

# Root password

rootpw qq55754206

# System authorization information

auth  –useshadow  –passalgo=sha512

# Use graphical install


firstboot –disable

# System keyboard

keyboard us

# System language

lang en_US

# SELinux configuration

selinux –disabled

# Installation logging level

logging –level=info

# Reboot after installation


# System timezone

timezone –isUtc Asia/Shanghai

# Network information

network  –bootproto=dhcp –device=eth0 –onboot=on

# System bootloader configuration

bootloader –location=mbr

# System bootloader configuration

bootloader –location=mbr

# Clear the Master Boot Record


# Partition clearing information

clearpart –all –initlabel

# Disk partitioning information

part /boot –fstype=”ext4″ –size=300

part swap –fstype=”swap” –size=4096

part pv.01 –size=1 –grow

volgroup vg_0 pv.01

logvol  /  –vgname=vg_0  –size=30720  –name=lvroot

logvol  /data  –vgname=vg_0  –size=20480  –name=lvdata

%packages –nobase



落英缤纷 20140116

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