
首先安装cpanm模块:wget –no-check-certificate -O /sbin/cpanm && chmod +x /sbin/cpanm
然后使用命令perldoc -l Net::SMTP 找到Net::SMTP 模块的路径然后 rm -rf 得到的路径,同理使用perldoc -l Net::SMTPS找到Net::SMTPS 的路径,然后删除Net::SMTPS 模块
最后使用cpanm Net::SMTPS 安装Net::SMTPS模块即可:

# wget -O /sbin/cpanm
# chmod +x /sbin/cpanm
# perldoc -l Net::SMTP |xargs rm
# cpanm Net::SMTPS
–> Working on Net::SMTPS
Fetching … OK
==> Found dependencies: ExtUtils::MakeMaker
–> Working on ExtUtils::MakeMaker
Fetching … OK
Configuring ExtUtils-MakeMaker-7.30 … OK
Building and testing ExtUtils-MakeMaker-7.30 … OK
Successfully installed ExtUtils-MakeMaker-7.30 (upgraded from 6.55_02)
Configuring Net-SMTPS-0.09 … OK
==> Found dependencies: Net::SMTP
–> Working on Net::SMTP
Fetching … OK
Configuring libnet-3.11 … OK
==> Found dependencies: Socket
–> Working on Socket
Fetching … OK
==> Found dependencies: ExtUtils::Constant
–> Working on ExtUtils::Constant
Fetching … OK
Configuring ExtUtils-Constant-0.24 … OK
Building and testing ExtUtils-Constant-0.24 … OK
Successfully installed ExtUtils-Constant-0.24 (upgraded from 0.22)
Configuring Socket-2.024 … OK
Building and testing Socket-2.024 … OK
Successfully installed Socket-2.024 (upgraded from 1.82)
Building and testing libnet-3.11 … OK
Successfully installed libnet-3.11
Building and testing Net-SMTPS-0.09 … OK
Successfully installed Net-SMTPS-0.09
5 distributions installed


# cd /opt
# wget
# cd `tar -zxvf ExtUtils-Constant-0.24.tar.gz`
# perl Makefile.PL
# make && make install

# cd /opt
# wget
# cd `tar -zxvf Socket-2.024.tar.gz`
# perl Makefile.PL
# make && make install

# cd /opt
# wget
# cd `tar -zxvf ExtUtils-MakeMaker-7.30.tar.gz`
# perl Makefile.PL
# make && make install

# cd /opt
# wget
# cd `tar -zxvf libnet-3.11.tar.gz`
# perl Makefile.PL
# make && make install

# cd /opt
# wget
# cd `tar -zxvf Net-SMTPS-0.09.tar.gz`
# perl Makefile.PL
# make && make install


# perl Makefile.PL
Should I do external tests?
These tests will fail if there is no internet connection or if a firewall
blocks or modifies some traffic.
[y/N] [n] y
Checking if your kit is complete…
Looks good

Ah, I see you already have installed libnet before.

Do you want to modify/update your configuration (y|n) ? [no] n

This script will prompt you to enter hostnames that can be used as
defaults for some of the modules in the libnet distribution.

To ensure that you do not enter an invalid hostname, I can perform a
lookup on each hostname you enter. If your internet connection is via
a dialup line then you may not want me to perform these lookups, as
it will require you to be on-line.

Do you want me to perform hostname lookups (y|n) ? [yes]

The following questions all require a list of host names, separated
with spaces. If you do not have a host available for any of the
services, then enter a single space, followed by <CR>. To accept the
default, hit <CR>

Enter a list of available NNTP hosts : []
Enter a list of available SMTP hosts : []
Enter a list of available POP3 hosts : []
Enter a list of available SNPP hosts : []
Enter a list of available PH Hosts : []
Enter a list of available TIME Hosts : []
Enter a list of available DAYTIME Hosts : []

Do you have a firewall/ftp proxy between your machine and the internet

If you use a SOCKS firewall answer no

(y|n) ? [no]

Normally when FTP needs a data connection the client tells the server
a port to connect to, and the server initiates a connection to the client.

Some setups, in particular firewall setups, can/do not work using this
protocol. In these situations the client must make the connection to the
server, this is called a passive transfer.

Should all FTP connections be passive (y|n) ? [yes]

What is your local internet domain name : []

If you specified some default hosts above, it is possible for me to
do some basic tests when you run `make test’

This will cause `make test’ to be quite a bit slower and, if your
internet connection is via dialup, will require you to be on-line
unless the hosts are local.

Do you want me to run these tests (y|n) ? [yes]

To allow Net::FTP to be tested I will need a hostname. This host
should allow anonymous access and have a /pub directory

What host can I use : []

Writing libnet.cfg
Generating a Unix-style Makefile
Writing Makefile for Net
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json


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